Best make a reservation for a minimum few days before the flight (no less than 48h). If it is a longer trip, or that require any special documents - make sure that you leave me enough time to prepare everything.
I usually buy tickets by myself, to avoid sharing my personal data, you'll just send me money for this purpose. You can search for the flight or train before and suggest to me the best option. Please take a notice, that when economy class is still ok, then you should avoid flying me with cheap airlines (unless there's no other option).
Please remember, that there's no possibility to return to you the tickets cost, even if you cancel the meeting in right time.
You can invite me to any city in Poland that I can get by train or plane. Minimal duration for meetings in Poland is 2h.
Fly me to you - Europe
(min 24h + travel costs + expenses during my stay)
Fly me to you - Poland
(min 2h + travel costs + expenses during my stay)
When you wish to have some fun together, but visiting Warsaw is not on your list of further or closer plans, also - there's no chance to see me on tour in your city - simply fly me directly to you!
I can travel to you (a place you are at the moment) or with you (as a travel companion).
Remember that travel costs, hotel reservation and other expenses are on you.
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